Profil de absolvent

Profil de absolvent

Olena Luzanova, Limbi moderne aplicate, promoția 2021

 When I first heard about the opportunity to study at Galati University, I was not sure I could cope with two universities at the same time, as by then I was already a student at another university in Ukraine. However, after a lot of thinking, I decided to give it a try and I didn't regret it. Studying at the Cross-border Faculty was unforgettable. The main point I liked the most was that we studied many different areas. It was translation, culture, communication, literature, philology and much more. We gradually deepened our knowledge in all areas. I expected a strict discipline, but I was wrong. In reality, we were made to understand straight away that we were studying for ourselves and had to understand all the disadvantages and advantages for ourselves. Most of the teachers understood that we were studying at two universities and therefore tried to spread the workload as much as possible. As in any field it was difficult, especially the fact that the teaching was in English and Romanian and I don't know either language perfectly, but I can say that this was what motivated me to study and learn languages.

What did my cross-border studies teach me? A lot. First of all, it taught me how to communicate with different people, taught me how to find compromises and showed me that there are no unresolved situations. My teachers have taught me patience and also deepened my love for creativity, as one of the biggest pluses of the faculty is that you are given the freedom to choose how to do assignments. The assignments are the same for everyone, but how you complete it is up to you. I can say that when you are given the freedom to choose, studying becomes a lot more enjoyable.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my supervisor Professor Gheorghiu for believing in me and supporting me in choosing the topic for my undergraduate paper. In addition, I am indeed very grateful to every tutor who taught me, helped me with difficult decisions and supported me. I am proud to have graduated from the Cross-border Faculty of the Dunarea de Jos University in Galati and if I were offered to finish it again, I would gladly accept!

Maria Tanas, Limbi moderne aplicate, promoția 2021

There are many universities in the world, and each one is good in its own way. So is “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. To be honest, I did not think a lot before choosing this university. I did it because I knew what I wanted to learn and who I wanted to become.

Living in the Republic of Moldova, I was not ready to go to another country and study there. I was not ready for that, but the professors are always ready. That’s how I found out about the Cross-border Faculty. All I had to do was to join the classes in Moldova and the professors commuted every day from Romania. It seemed unreal to me then. Why they are doing this, for what? We are the ones who have to do our best to study, not them, but they are not only professors, they are mentors, helpers and supporters. Well, in this I found the answer to the above question.

In addition to the regular university program, I also had two experiences abroad. I had the opportunity and great pleasure to be part of the international ERASMUS+ program, first with a study mobility, and then with an internship. I can say that these experiences have been the most beautiful and at the same time most difficult in my life. It’s just you and a foreign world around you, and at the same time, no one will do it until you get up and face all the trials. I would not have succeeded if I had not been encouraged by my teachers and coordinators.

After three years of study, I have graduated, and I gained knowledge so I could move on. For this and for the support provided when the deadline was just around the corner, I am very thankful to my BA paper coordinator, Senior Lecturer Oana Gheorghiu, for the simple fact that she was and still is by my side, as a mother who only wants the best for her child.

I am proud to be a graduate of this faculty and finally I would like to encourage all students to hope, work and to believe. Everything is possible!

Nadejda Dimitriu, Limbi Moderne Aplicate, promoția 2019

Alegerea facultății a fost o adevărată provocare pentru mine. Îmi doream nespus să studiez în România, dar în același timp îmi era foarte greu să-mi părăsesc țara, chiar și temporar. Timp de luni întregi am acumulat informații despre fiecare universitate care îmi trezea interes, iar Universitatea ,,Dunărea de Jos” din Galați a ocupat locul de top în preferințe.

De ce Facultatea Transfrontalieră? În primul rând, pentru că este o posibilitate extraordinară de a urma studiile în cadrul unei universități din România aici, acasă. Mai mult decât atât, absolvenții programelor de studii desfășurate în cadrul parteneriatului universitar existent între instituțiile moldo-române au oportunitatea de a obține două diplome de studii superioare (licență/master). Pe lângă toate acestea, universitatea oferă învățământ gratuit, burse pentru toți studenții, cazare, activități extracuriculare, programe de mobilitate academică, spectru larg de alegere a specialității și, cel mai important – studii la cel mai înalt nivel și cadre didactice valoroase.

M-am bucurat și eu de toate oportunitățile pe care le oferă Facultatea Transfrontalieră și sunt mândră că am făcut această alegere. Am avut alături profesori dinamici, entuziaști și creativi – oameni deosebiți, de notorietate, care mi-au ordonat și completat axa de valori. Pe lângă profesionalismul de excepție de care au dat dovadă, profesorii mi-au fost înainte de toate prieteni, manifestând empatie, deschidere și înțelegere.

Experiențele unice trăite în cei trei ani de licență (specializarea Limbi Moderne Aplicate), iar mai apoi în cei doi ani de masterat (specializarea Comunicare instituțională), m-au ajutat să îmi conturez un drum ferm în carieră. Dezvoltarea competențelor lingvistice, de comunicare și transfer intercultural sunt esențiale în parcursul meu profesional și personal.

Amintiri frumoase şi respect profund pentru întreaga comunitate UDJG.

Mulțumesc, Alma Mater!


Iulia Petracenco, Applied Modern Languages, class of 2022

I am grateful to "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati for transforming my life and providing me a high-professional education. When I remember the three-year educational process, I understand that I had made the right decision. The university provided me with engaging and interactive lectures, new acquaintances, as well as the ambition to learn and grow. Entering the Cross-border Faculty, where teaching takes place in Romanian, I had a fear that "I won't be able to study here". I thereby enhanced my level of English greatly, developed my Romanian language, and also started learning French from scratch. I can affirm that the university I selected utterly destroyed all my barriers and fears. Professors were understanding of the fact that I was attending a second university, they encouraged and supported me, and throughout this process treated each student with patience and respect. The most significant trait I picked up during my studies was responsibility, which means that a student is accountable for his or her actions and educational growth. Everyone was given freedom of choice by the professors, and the majority of my group made the option to study and grow on their own volition. I would want to offer my sincere gratitude to the professors for their assistance, professionalism, and an interest in ensuring that each student advances in acquiring the highest degree of proficiency in two foreign languages. I also want to thank my coordinator, Oana Celia Gheorghiu, in particular, since she contributed to my research paper and inspired, guided, and encouraged me throughout the process. Finally, I can advise the future students to apply to this faculty, to be confident and not be afraid because the University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati opens the door to a new life to everyone.

Valeria Zgircibaba

Once I graduated high school, I was sure that I would go to Romania for my higher education, but life is so funny that it sometimes makes the plans for you. So, in a very interesting way, I applied to… Applied Modern Languages at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, not in Romania but in Moldova, right in my hometown, Cahul. As I liked the English language I wanted to study it more deeply. The faculty gave me the chance to meet extraordinary people, like my lovely teachers with whom I have built beautiful relationships. The things I learned were taught with professionalism and dedication. As a student, I have achieved my goal to become better at English. During the three years I have learnt a lot of new words which enriched my English vocabulary, I also started to like history, Mrs. Oana Gheorghiu is a great teacher of history. I have learnt how to make creative and professional presentations, use the translating tools smartly, become better at grammar, and be a great language specialist. There are many teachers that I will miss with all my heart. Mrs. Gabriela Debita is an example of kindness, intelligence and a very supportive teacher; Mrs. Delia Oprea is a teacher who encouraged me to work harder to improve my French. In a special way, I want to thank my coordinator, Mrs. Irina Pusnei, who has found the time to help me write my graduation paper. She showed me that I could do things I thought I wasn’t good at. I found out that translating was not my strong point, although I kept working hard to show myself that I could pass every obstacle through hard work and responsibility. 
The Cross-border Faculty gives you the opportunity to study at a European university right in your country. If you have already finished high school and look for a university, if you are a family lover like I am, don’t hesitate and apply to “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – where your intelligence is highlighted by your hard work.