Ecaterina Fabian, Applied Modern Languages, Class of 2023

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These three years were an adventure. It could never cross my mind that I would do my university studies in my country and still be satisfied. If someone had told me that I would be studying at two universities simultaneously and have great results, I don’t think that I would have believed that person. But with God’s help, everything is possible. I want to thank and appreciate the professors who guided and advised us along the way for the late hours that they put aside for us to answer our questions. I learned a lot and developed enormously in various fields, even though our major was Applied Modern Languages.

Although we spent half of our university years online because of the pandemic, everything was still amazing and interesting, so I don’t regret a thing. I had the opportunity to participate in different events and competitions, and this helped me build courage and got me out of my box. I had the best colleagues I could’ve dreamed of. I won’t forget them. Being online, the need for communication regarding homework and courses brought us close from the first days. I am truly grateful for each day they made more special and beautiful. Unfortunately, we had to part too soon.

To the future students:

I wish you all the best and, more than everything, courage. Dare to take risks and face challenges, don’t back up in the moment you’ve started something you wanted.

Think that you won’t make it?...Never have this kind of thought!

All the best!!!